
8 Simple Yogic Exercises to Ease Stiffness

8 Simple Yogic Exercises to Ease Stiffness

Body stiffness is not a good symptom for sound health. If you are flexible, it means you are keeping yourself away from various diseases. Stiffness makes you susceptible to multiple health issues. Some easy yogic exercises help to loosen up … Read More

How To Do Bhujangasana-Steps, Benefits And Precautions

How To Do Bhujangasana- Steps, Benefits And Precautions

Meaning of Bhujangasana Cobra pose is also known as Bhujangasana. Bhujangasana is a Sanskrit word. Bhujangasana is pronounced as ‘boo-jang-GAHS-anna’. Bhuja means ‘arm’ or ‘shoulder’, and Anga means ‘limb.’ Bhujanga means ‘serpent’ Bhujngasana emulates the mechanism of a cobra. That’s … Read More

How To Do Sarvangasana-Steps, Benefits And Precautions

How To Do Sarvangasana- Steps, Benefits And Precautions

Meaning of Shoulder Stand Pose Shoulder Stand Pose is also known as Sarvangasana. Sarvangasana is a Sanskrit word. Sarvangasana is pronounced as ‘sar-van-GAHS-anna’.  Sarva means ‘’whole’, ‘all’ or ‘entire’, the word anga means ‘limbs’, ‘parts’, ‘organs’ or ‘members, and asana … Read More

How To Do Trikonasana-Steps, Benefits And Precautions

How To Do Trikonasana- Steps, Benefits And Precautions

Meaning of triangle pose Triangle pose consists of two Sanskrit words: tri means ‘three’, and the word Kona means ‘angle’. Therefore, it is called Trikonasana or a three-angle pose. But more commonly, it is known as ‘triangle pose’. In the … Read More