
List of Important Yoga Books Every Yogi Should Read

List of Important Yoga Books Every Yogi Should Read

Most Essentials Traditional Yoga Books Bhagwad Gita by Vyasa Brahma Sutra by Badarayana (Vyasa) Gheranda Samhita by Gheranda Rishi Goraksha Samhita by Gorakshanath Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Svatmarama Suri Hatharatnavali by Srinivasayogi Principal Upanishads Patanjala Yoga Sutras / Patanjala Yoga … Read More

Yoga Research (Evidence Based) for Mental Health

Yoga Evidence Based Research for Mental Health

Mind-related diseases are emerging as major public health issues, and the manifestation of the illness is multifocal, including somatic symptoms. Yoga can bring harmony in mind-body functioning. Yoga can empower individuals positively to take charge of their psychological wellness and … Read More