Full Cobra pose or Purna Bhujangasana is an advanced yoga pose. Purna Bhujangasana, being an advanced yoga pose, is more challenging to practice for beginners. It requires utmost spinal flexibility. It shouldn’t be done for those who are having back pain issues.

How to do Purna Bhujangasana steps?
Lying down on your stomach while your legs are straight and stretched and your toes pointing outwards.
Place your palms on the mat beside your shoulders, fingers pointing forward. Your elbows should be close to your body.
Inhale deeply and slowly lift your upper body off the mat. This is the initial Bhujangasana or Cobra pose. Keep your legs and pelvis on the mat.
Hold the Cobra pose, breathing normally for a few breaths. Feel the stretch in your back and the engagement of your back muscles.
As you exhale, bend your knees and raise your feet toward your head. Simultaneously, stretch your head, neck, and shoulders back, aiming to touch the back of your head with the soles of your feet. This requires a deep backbend and considerable flexibility.
Maintain this final position, continuing to breathe normally. It’s essential to avoid any strain or discomfort in your lower back.
Hold the final position for as long as it’s comfortable for you. If you’re a beginner or not very flexible, start with a shorter hold and gradually extend the duration as you progress in your practice.
To exit the pose, exhale, lower your feet back to the mat, and return to the initial Bhujangasana position with your chest and upper body lifted.
Relax in Bhujangasana for a few moments to release any tension in your back.
Finally, release the pose entirely by lowering your upper body to the mat and relaxing with your arms by the sides of your body. Turn your head to one side for added comfort.
This completes one round of the Full Cobra Pose. Perring three games is recommended if you are experienced and have a supple back.
This asana is an excellent yoga pose to increase spinal flexibility.
It gives adequate massage to the abdominal regions, benefiting the various stomach organs.
It is a good yoga pose for the health of the kidneys and adrenal glands as it gives adequate massage to them.
Bhujangasana ensures the proper secretion of Cortisone hormone and effectively alleviates rheumatism.
It helps to remove stiffness from the spine, squeezing out stagnated blood.
It gives adequate massage to the stomach, liver, pancreas, gall bladder, and sexual organs, thus enhancing their efficiency.
The pose helps treat disorders like leucorrhoea and dysmenorrhoea.
It is also beneficial for those who are experiencing lung congestion and asthma.
If you’re a beginner or have any medical conditions, especially those related to the spine, it’s essential to consult a certified yoga instructor before attempting this pose.
Always begin your yoga practice with a proper warm-up. Gentle stretches and warm-up poses help prepare your body for more advanced poses like the Full Cobra Pose.
Pay close attention to your body’s alignment during the pose. Ensure that your palms are placed firmly on the mat under your shoulders and that your fingers point forward. Keep your elbows close to your body.
This pose may not suit you if you have a history of back problems or injuries.
Be cautious with your neck. Do not strain or force your head to touch your feet. Maintain a natural extension of the neck without excessive tension.
If you’re attempting the Full Cobra Pose for the first time, start with a more basic backbend like Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) and gradually work up to this advanced variation as your flexibility and strength improve.
You can use props like yoga blocks or cushions to support your back and make the pose more accessible.
Those who suffer from the below conditions shouldn’t practice this yoga pose.
Peptic ulcers
Intestinal tuberculosis
The scientific aspect of cobra pose can also be covered. Overall elaboration is fine.
Though, its a difficult pose. But the way the writer has presented it is commendable.