Yoga Pose

How To Do Bhunamanasana (Greeting The Earth Pose) Yoga

How To Do Bhunamanasana (Greeting The Earth Pose) Yoga

Bhunamanasana, a traditional Hatha yoga pose, has greater significance from a health point of view. The carriage comes under advanced yoga asana,  known as ‘Earth Yoga Pose’ or ‘Greeting the Earth pose’. The pose is beneficial in making you physically, … Read More

How to Do Raised Arms Pose Yoga (Hasta Uttanasana) Steps

How to Do Raised Arms Pose Yoga (Hasta Uttanasana) Steps

Hasta Uttanasana meaning Hasta Uttanasana, or the Raised Arms Pose Yoga, is a fundamental yoga posture within the sequence of Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation). Its name is derived from the Sanskrit words “hasta,” meaning hand; “ut,” meaning intense; “tan,” meaning … Read More

Peacock Yoga Pose Steps, Variations, Cautions, Benefits

How To Do Mayurasana- Steps, Benefits And Precautions

Meaning of Peacock Pose Peacock pose is also known as Mayurasana. Mayurasana is a Sanskrit word. The pose is pronounced as ‘ma-yur-AHS-anna’.  Mayur means ‘peacock’ and asana indicates ‘yoga pose.’ This yoga emulates the mechanism of the Mayur bird in … Read More